One of the unique treasures you will find at the Belmont Shore Model Railroad Club is a small layout created from some of the very first manufactured N-Scale train sets. During the late 1950’s, LONE STAR of England manufactured cast metal European and North American style push-trains. They ran on cast metal track having 9 millimeter spacing. LONE STAR introduced a powered version called Treble-O-Lectric in 1964. It was similar in design to Athern’s HO scale electric motor/rubber band drive system, and ran on 9mm gauge nickle-silver rail set on plastic ties.

LONE STAR manufactured cast metal accessories such as buildings, automobiles, signals, bridges, and viaducts. Plastic telephone poles, fencing, trees, and track bumpers were also offered. With the exception of the lichen trees, this layout consists entirely of LONE STAR Treble-0-Lectric products. N-Scale model railroading as we know it today grew from this rather humble beginning. Visitors of our club can view a small layout of our original LONE STAR manufactured trainset and experience the birth of N-Scale.
Lone Star Layout Photos Coming soon…